... completely charming... she plays fresh, open, quick and vulnerable without affectation... her timing and physicality are both excellent.
Stage and Cinema
allison buck
Height: 5"5 | Weight: 140 lbs. | Voice: Mezzo-Soprano/ Mix
work experience
New York Theater
She Kills Monsters* | Tilly | The Flea Theater | Playwright Qui Nguyen, Dir. Robert Ross Parker
The Mysteries* | Virgin Mary | The Flea Theater | Playwrights incl. Craig Lucas, David Henry Hwang, & Jose Rivera, Dir. Ed Sylvanus Iskandar
Geek!* | Danya | The Vampire Cowboys | Playwright Crystal Skillman, Dir. Robert Ross Parker
Death for Sydney Black*‡ | Jen | terraNOVA Collective | Playwright Leah Nanako Winkler, Dir. Kip Fagan
These Seven Sicknesses‡ | Antigone, Tekmessa | The Flea Theater | Playwright Sean Graney, Dir. Ed Sylvanus Iskandar
Looking for Christmas* | Chairman | The Flea Theater | Playwright Steven Banks, Dir. Jim Simpson
Regional Theater
The Paper Dreams of Harry Chin | Shiela | Indiana Repertory Theatre | Playwright Jessica Huang, Dir. Jaki Bradley
A Christmas Carol | Fan, Mary Bonds | The McCarter Theatre Center | Dir. Michael Unger
Much Ado About Nothing | Margaret | The Oregon Shakespeare Festival | Dir. Lileana Blain-Cruz
Antony and Cleopatra | Canidius | The Oregon Shakespeare Festival | Dir. Bill Rauch
Head Over Heels* | u/s Philoclea, Gynecia | The Oregon Shakespeare Festival | Book by Jeff Whitty, Dir. Ed Sylvanus Iskandar
* world premiere/ ‡ New York premiere
TRIP UPSTATE (short) | Lead | Written & Directed by Justin Garascia
ALFRED (short) | Lead | Written & Directed by Courtney Ulrich
FOREST FIRE SAFETY AWARENESS (short) | Lead | Self Written, Directed, & Produced
THE CONSERVATORY (short) | Supporting | Sunshine Productions, Dir. Reed Van Dyk
training + workshops
Cornell University | B.A. Theater Arts
Upright Citizen's Brigade | Improv & Sketch Writing | Matt Dennie, Georgie Adalco
Scene Study | Larry Moss, Austin Pendleton, Tom Todoroff
On Camera | Bob Krakower
Singing | Brett Teresa, Deborah Lifton
special skills
Experience in a cappella and choral groups; Dialects (Received Pronunciation, Cockney, High Southern, Texarkana, Brooklyn, Minnesota); Certified rapier and dagger; Experience in puppetry; Basic guitar and ukulele; Tennis.